Antrim Adult Centre
Day care is provided for people aged nineteen plus who have been assessed as having a learning disability. Many of the service users also have an associated physical or sensory disability or complex needs.
Part of the Northern Regional College , young adults will work towards the qualification OCN NI Entry Level 3 Certificate in Developing Skills for life and will study units.
The Bridge Association is a Not-for-Profit organisation providing vocational training opportunities for adults with learning disabilities aged 18+ years.
Based in Antrim
The Live Life Well-Being Centre are committed to providing a new specialised young adult focused service, within the age range of 19-35 years old, in the Greater Lisburn area, for adults with severe learning difficulties.
This Youth Service provides 16 – 24 year olds not in education, training or employment with tailored support to gain new skills, qualifications and employment.
Based in Lisburn
Prince's Trust
If you decide to stay on at school or go to a further education college in Northern Ireland, you may be able to get the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA). It is available for both academic and vocational courses.
EMA is a weekly award of £30 which is paid fortnightly to students who meet the eligibility criteria below.
It is intended to help cover the day-to-day costs that you have to meet when you stay on at school or college like travel costs, books and equipment for your course. See website below for more details on how to apply.